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Niklas Luhmann, a prominent sociologist, introduced the "CODE" method as part of his sociological theory. In his work, Luhmann proposed the concept of "social systems" and developed a methodological approach known as "Zettelkasten" or "slip-box method," which is often referred to as the "CODE method."
The "CODE method" involves the use of index cards or slips of paper to record individual ideas or pieces of information. These cards are then organized and linked together through a system of cross-references, allowing for the creation of a network of interconnected concepts. This method facilitates the exploration and development of complex ideas by enabling researchers to make connections between disparate pieces of information. Luhmann used this method extensively in his own research, particularly in the development of his systems theory. The "CODE method" is still influential in various fields of study, particularly in sociology and philosophy, as a tool for organizing and synthesizing information. |