Englisch für den Urlaub
Englisch für den Urlaub | Englischlernen online
1. He wore a helmet to protect his ______.
head (Kopf)
a) hand (Hand)
b) head (Kopf)
c) foot (Fuß)
2. The ______ is the control center of the body.
brain (Gehirn)
a) lung (Lunge)
b) heart (Herz)
c) brain (Gehirn)
3. The ______ protects the brain.
skull (Schädel)
a) skull (Schädel)
b) rib (Rippe)
c) shoulder (Schulter)
4. She has a smile on her ______.
face (Gesicht)
a) face (Gesicht)
b) foot (Fuß)
c) hair (Haar)
5. His ______ color is blue.
eye (Auge)
a) ear (Ohr)
b) eye (Auge)
c) finger (Finger)
6. She whispered in his ______.
ear (Ohr)
a) knee (Knie)
b) ear (Ohr)
c) hand (Hand)
7. He has a sharp ______.
nose (Nase)
a) nose (Nase)
b) toe (Zeh)
c) back (Rücken)
8. Open your ______ wide.
mouth (Mund)
a) hair (Haar)
b) nose (Nase)
c) mouth (Mund)
9. She applied lipstick to her ______.
lip (Lippe)
a) lip (Lippe)
b) tooth (Zahn)
c) finger (Finger)
10. He brushed his ______ after every meal.
tooth (Zahn)
a) rib (Rippe)
b) tooth (Zahn)
c) tongue (Zunge)
11. She burned her ______ on hot tea.
tongue (Zunge)
a) tongue (Zunge)
b) nose (Nase)
c) ear (Ohr)
12. He had a sore ______.
throat (Hals)
a) head (Kopf)
b) throat (Hals)
c) hand (Hand)
13. She wore a scarf around her ______.
neck (Nacken)
a) foot (Fuß)
b) neck (Nacken)
c) heart (Herz)
14. He carried the bag over his ______.
shoulder (Schulter)
a) chest (Brust)
b) leg (Bein)
c) shoulder (Schulter)
15. He broke his ______ playing football.
arm (Arm)
a) foot (Fuß)
b) arm (Arm)
c) hair (Haar)
16. She leaned on her ______.
elbow (Ellbogen)
a) elbow (Ellbogen)
b) rib (Rippe)
c) toe (Zeh)
17. He has a tattoo on his ______.
forearm (Unterarm)
a) forearm (Unterarm)
b) knee (Knie)
c) heart (Herz)
18. She wore a watch on her ______.
wrist (Handgelenk)
a) rib (Rippe)
b) wrist (Handgelenk)
c) spine (Wirbelsäule)
19. He shook hands with the mayor.
hand (Hand)
a) knee (Knie)
b) hand (Hand)
c) eye (Auge)
20. She wore a ring on her ______.
finger (Finger)
a) neck (Nacken)
b) finger (Finger)
c) back (Rücken)
21. He gave a thumbs-up.
thumb (Daumen)
a) head (Kopf)
b) thumb (Daumen)
c) toe (Zeh)
22. He felt pain in his ______.
chest (Brust)
a) chest (Brust)
b) leg (Bein)
23. The baby was fed from the mother's ______.
breast (Brust)
a) arm (Arm)
b) breast (Brust)
c) foot (Fuß)
24. He broke a ______ in the accident.
rib (Rippe)
a) rib (Rippe)
b) ear (Ohr)
c) nail (Nagel)
25. The ______ pumps blood throughout the body.
heart (Herz)
a) heart (Herz)
b) chest (Brust)
c) knee (Knie)
26. Smoking damages the ______.
lung (Lunge)
a) foot (Fuß)
b) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)
c) lung (Lunge)
27. The ______ helps with breathing.
diaphragm (Zwerchfell)
a) diaphragm (Zwerchfell)
b) hand (Hand)
c) hip (Hüfte)
28. He had pain in his ______.
abdomen (Bauch)
a) hair (Haar)
b) tongue (Zunge)
c) abdomen (Bauch)
29. She swayed her ______ to the music.
hip (Hüfte)
a) heart (Herz)
b) hip (Hüfte)
c) lung (Lunge)
30. He lay on his ______.
back (Rücken)
a) back (Rücken)
b) hair (Haar)
c) nose (Nase)
31. The ______ supports the body.
spine (Wirbelsäule)
a) spine (Wirbelsäule)
b) toe (Zeh)
c) knee (Knie)
32. The ______ connects the spine to the legs.
pelvis (Becken)
a) foot (Fuß)
b) pelvis (Becken)
c) wrist (Handgelenk)
33. He stretched his ______ muscles.
leg (Bein)
a) leg (Bein)
b) eye (Auge)
c) arm (Arm)
34. He felt pain in his ______ after running.
thigh (Oberschenkel)
a) eye (Auge)
b) thigh (Oberschenkel)
c) ear (Ohr)
35. She bent her ______.
knee (Knie)
a) rib (Rippe)
b) knee (Knie)
c) head (Kopf)
36. He massaged his sore ______.
calf (Wade)
a) calf (Wade)
b) chest (Brust)
c) toe (Zeh)
37. She twisted her ______.
ankle (Knöchel)
a) ankle (Knöchel)
b) hand (Hand)
c) ear (Ohr)
38. He stepped on a rock and hurt his ______.
foot (Fuß)
a) foot (Fuß)
b) throat (Hals)
c) finger (Finger)
39. He had a blister on his ______.
heel (Ferse)
a) heart (Herz)
b) heel (Ferse)
c) ear (Ohr)
40. She painted her ______ nails.
toe (Zeh)
a) toe (Zeh)
b) rib (Rippe)
c) finger (Finger)
41. His ______ was sunburned.
skin (Haut)
a) skin (Haut)
b) foot (Fuß)
c) hand (Hand)
42. He felt a ______ cramp.
muscle (Muskel)
a) tooth (Zahn)
b) muscle (Muskel)
c) arm (Arm)
43. He fractured a ______ in his hand.
bone (Knochen)
a) bone (Knochen)
b) wrist (Handgelenk)
c) hip (Hüfte)
44. The knee is a major ______.
joint (Gelenk)
a) heart (Herz)
b) joint (Gelenk)
c) nose (Nase)
45. The nurse found a ______ for the injection.
vein (Vene)
a) heart (Herz)
b) vein (Vene)
c) lung (Lunge)
46. The ______ carries blood away from the heart.
artery (Arterie)
a) nerve (Nerv)
b) vein (Vene)
c) artery (Arterie)
47. She donated ______ at the blood drive.
blood (Blut)
a) blood (Blut)
b) hair (Haar)
c) lung (Lunge)
48. He felt a sharp pain in his ______.
nerve (Nerv)
a) nail (Nagel)
b) nerve (Nerv)
c) rib (Rippe)
49. She combed her ______ every morning.
hair (Haar)
a) hair (Haar)
b) toe (Zeh)
c) elbow (Ellbogen)
50. She painted her ______.
nail (Nagel)
a) spine (Wirbelsäule)
b) hair (Haar)
c) nail (Nagel)